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    911 Audio Reviews w/ Response

    All 1,491 Reviews


    The 8bit/16bit feel of this piece is very nice, takes me back to some old classic games, heh.

    The intro is done nice as well, the build up is done very carefully and the song developes at a pretty good speed. I also like the rhythm of the piano very much, it's very driving.

    However, the lead melody (the one that starts at 0:23) is sometimes all over the place the first time it can be heard. This sounds a bit strange. Later on in the piece the melody fits quite well to the other instruments, but here it sounds a bit out of place.

    { Review Request Club }

    The-Mercenary responds:

    I can see why you might say that, but I wanted it to get complex(0:35) because the part following it is very simple, and the other purpose is that it goes back to it later in the song, if I changed it or took it out, it would sound unfamiliar and seem out of place later on in the song. Sometimes music sounds wierd the first time you hear it, but it makes more sense as you keep listening to it.

    Great potential

    I agree with TheIncredibleD, the drums should start sooner. It's only after over 1 minute before they start and when they do they sound strangely off, as if they where playing a different rhythm than the guitar. Or maybe it sounds so strange because the snare drum doesn't really go along that well with the guitar in this song. A little more mastering could get rid of this problem, though.

    Anyway, on to the good things: The guitar sounds really nice. The rhythm is good and the melody is very catchy.
    When the song started I had a feeling that I heard this before, but maybe that's just because your voice reminds me of the singer of Stereophonics.

    Well, speaking of the voice, it sounds awesome and fits very well together with the guitar.
    It would be nice if you could post the lyrics in the author comments, as they are a bit hard to make out for me.

    Overall this song has very great potential so you should try to work out the problems with the drums and master the song a bit better. :)

    { Review Request Club }

    StickyRemnant responds:

    Lyrics posted. And consider the drums destroyed ;)

    Sounding similar to Kelly Jones is a complement to me, thanks. I'm glad people seem to like my vocals, it's quite surprising as I've never considered myself any kind of singer. Most, if not all of my tracks, are just sung by me for the purposes of a demonstration for the rest of the band (which is being put together again after quite a few years) since I am the main songwriter atm. I may 'officially' sing some of the acoustic songs tho now

    Thanks again for the review :)

    Great song

    I like how this song is mixed. Everything can be heard clearly and yet this song is very dynamic. Meanging that there are louder and quieter parts and instruments in it. But yet, everything can be heard just fine. Good job here.

    The meldoies are very nice as well, they sound very happy without being "too happy" (I don't know, sometimes the happiness in songs just feels wrong, but here it all seems to be very natural).

    I also like how you change the song so often without losing it's structure. It is very interesting to listen to this song as it is very varied. And yet all the changes are done very carefully. No abrupt changes in speed or rhythm, but yet the song constantly changes.

    Very nice work!

    { Review Reqeust Club }

    Bracksta responds:

    thanks haggard :) for all of the compliments and great review! i have a remix coming soon that i hope you will enjoy also. i always appreciate your time because your reviews are so valuable :D!

    Too loud

    Very good song, but it needs better mixing. The guitars are too loud and the effect on the amp should be turned down a bit as well. The singer's voice is too quiet in contrast to the loudness of the other instruments, so it's hard to make out the lyrics.

    The song structure seems to be pretty nice, though. Also the main riff is very catchy.

    { Review Request Club }

    StickyRemnant responds:

    Thanks, Haggard.

    It seems all the reviews are saying the same things so either you're all insane or I need to do as is adviced ;) I'll try the latter before assuming the former ;)

    Thanks for your thoughts and compliments. As with the other reviewers I hope you can pop back when I upload the new version.

    Nice tribute

    The atmosphere of this song is very good. It's a fitting atmosphere for a tribute and also the idea of adding parts of Reagan's speech is a good one.

    However, the song is a bit too short in my opinion and there isn't happening too much. Also, it all seems to be very quiet, some instruments can hardly be heard, which is a pity.

    So I think you should try to mix this a bit better and also try to make the song longer.

    { Review Request Club }

    nickbryant responds:

    Thanks for the review. It seems I have some trouble actually making a song long enoygh, eh? As for the mix, until 2 weeks ago, I hadn't even figured out how to use the mix, so that will get better with time. Thanks again for the review!

    Good song

    The melodies are very nice and the atmosphere especially in the intro is very "stadium like", as if I was sitting in a stadium and this song is played while the players are running onto the pitch.

    The middle part of the song is a bit boring as there isn't happneing too much. The kick doesn't play and we can only hear the melodies. As I've said, the melodies are nice, but they are not enough to carry the song on for such a long time as you did here in my opinion.

    { Review Request Club }

    Assios responds:

    Thank you! :) And yeah, I should have added more to the middle part, but FL just screewed up (could barely hear the song before I exported it :p)

    Review Request Club

    The slow intro is very nice, even though it takes over 1 minute for the song to "really" start, but the long intro sets the right mood for the song in my opinion.

    However, after the nice transition to the main part of the song I was a bit disappointed. The song doesn't seem to develope any further from there. I know, you have some different parts in there and even change around the beat, but somehow it just sounds as if the song doesn't develop. Maybe it's because we can hear the melodies from the intro for so long (that humming sound).

    Also, the outro is a bit too abrupt. Just as if you meant to add something more to the song but lost interest in it.

    Now, please don't let this review discourage you, I'm not trying to put you down. The song sounds nice, but I think it could sound better with a few extra touches here and there.

    { Review Request Club }

    aliaspharow responds:

    Yeah im pretty bad with the little things. Developement too is a big probleme. im hopeing these problemes will resolve themselves with experience. thanks for the feedback!

    Good start

    The drums in the intro sound pretty strange, as if I was listening to them standing outside a large hall while the drums are played inside the hall. Maybe take away some of the reverb there.

    After the intro the kick gets a lot better and I like the melodies you created here. They sound very catchy and I think you could use those as some kind of leitmotif in the finished song.

    Later on, at around 1:18 the song gets very messy with all the stuff going on there at once. Maybe if the song developed longer until it becomes this "messy" it would sound better, but right now it just happens too quickly.

    { Review Request Club }

    XTriNovaX responds:

    Thanks for the review :), if your interested, I finished it, and fixed up most of the issues.
    http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste n/295166


    Well, I don't know the original, but the remix sure sounds interesting. The intro is pretty cool. It starts right away with that amazingly hard kick as if it was trying to say: "Hey, this song is going to be HARDSTYLE!" heh.

    I like how you slowly introduce the melodies. They fade in over the hard kick, which sounds very interesting.

    But during the song the kick sometimes overpowers the melodies, which doesn't sound that good, as the kick gets a bit annoying towards the end (yeah, this is propably the reason why I'm not that much into techno -.-).

    But anyway, the song is still pretty nice. :)

    { Review Request Club }

    DjAbbic responds:

    I got a response ^^

    Thanks for the input :) Tis' appreciated.

    Nice, but could be better

    Batman is cool, this song still needs to be a bit to be as cool as Batman. Parts of it sound a bit wrong. For example you shouldn't let the "danananana" part play while at the same time we hear the "BATMAAAN" part (I hope you get what I'm trying to say, lol). This sounds dissonant and if I remember correctly (and I'm pretty sure I am as I can play the Batman theme on my guitar :P ) it's also different in the original theme.

    But I really like the 8-bitness of this track, so this song still sounds cool, yet not as cool as Batman himself. ;)

    { Review Request Club }

    kchrules responds:

    Thanks For the feedback

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