Don't really know what to think about this. This is far from being the worst Clock Day entry I have ever seen, but it sure is also far from being the best.
What I really appreciate about this piece is that you obviously put a lot of work into this. Drawing on a piece of paper, taking a picture, drawing again, taking a picture... and then to compile it in a flash file sure did take a lot of time to finish.
It's a real pity that the screen size is so small, sometimes it's hard to guess what's going on on the screen.
The musical selection was quite nice, but you have to work on the transitions a bit more. I understand that it was meant to sound like skipping through a TV programme, but the static noise in between the songs was just annoying.
Overall: If a friend would ask me if this movie was any good, I'd tell him: If you like Clock Day movies, it's worth to check this one out. If you don't, then it's nothing for you.
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