I like the beginning of the song very much. The fast pace here sounds amazing.
The slower parts are good too, but not as amazing as the intro. Also I think that instrument that sets in at around 0:45 doesn't fit too well to the song. It just sounds a bit out of place.
Overall, the song is decent. Nothing too breathtaking, but still enjoyable.
Thanks, I actually added the intro at the very end. It was a very constant speed for the whole song before that. I agree, I should have changed the melody instrument. Hell, I still can :p. I appreciate your review, it seems very genuine. Thank you for the review.
This is a very melancholic song and the background story is very moving.
I like the flow of the song. The melody is very nice and it puts the listener in a thoughtful and melancholic mood. Only thing I would've done differently is the ending. I think you should end it on a lower chord. Just leave everything as it is right now, just add a low chord at the end. In my opinion, this would really put an emphasize on the "taking their last breath" part of the story.
But this is just a minor thought, because the song does work really well as it is now.
Wow, been a while since I got an RRC review. Thanks a lot Haggard!
"Well, since I don't really know anything about Morocco or the culture I'm just going to assume you did some research first before creating this."
Yeah I did a little research. I first looked for a list of Moroccan instruments to see if I have any in my library, and I found some instruments but none were in my library of samples. I then found this song: http://goo.gl/Eq8r5
And thought... hey that's not half bad! So then I did more research and found the instrument that the lead singer was using in the track (the oval-shaped guitar). Apparently it's called an Oud, and I just so happened to have an Oud in my library, so I used that. I also used a tonne of middle-eastern instruments hoping they'd sound somewhat reminiscent of Morocco.
"I also like that this song is very diversified as well. Not just the same melody over and over again, but with a lot of changes in the instruments you used."
Yeah I love doing that. Variety is one of the things I constantly strive for when making music.
"Just an idea: Maybe you can use the national antheme of Morocco as well in your presentation?"
You know, I actually had that idea before and thought instead of using the actual anthem I could remix it. My only issue is that I don't know how I could fit it in. This isn't just a normal slideshow presentation or something. It's most likely going to be an animation supported by some sort of performance, and fitting the national anthem in there might be hard.
This track will probably used for a more cinematic cue, and I've also got to make a track for the team members to dance to and another one playing in the background of the stall we have to prepare. I don't think it's physically possible to dance to a national anthem and I want the stall's background music to be a sort of low intensity loop, so the anthem won't fit there either! Still, it would be a cool idea :P.
Thanks again for the review man, much appreciated.
Even though this track is only about 2 minutes long it is pretty diversified. It starts off very slow and quiet. Something you would expect to hear at the beginning of a level that is set in a cave or an "underworld".
At 0:30 the next part starts, now the atmosphere is very cold and icy, but at the same time there is some "happiness" to it as well. The main melody creates a feeling of hope.
0:55 Now the track sounds quite spacey as well. But this also does fit to the "underwold theme" I mentioned above.
I also like the melody at 1:12. It sounds pretty good and does indeed remind me of some older games I used to play.
The looping is done very nicely. I didn't notice any timing error or slight pause here, so you did a very good job on this one.
Overall, a very nice track. I don't see how you can improve on that, since I couldn't find anything wrong with it. Oh well, maybe it could be a bit longer, heh.
I like this song. I like how it slowly builds up, adding a new thing every few seconds. I also like that there is some sort of outro towards the end of the loop. This way the loop works pretty good, except that there is a very slight timing error when the loop starts over. Maybe there's a quarter note missing at the end. It's not much, but the error is there.
Anyway, I still like it. Maybe the "bass line" (that deep humming sound) can get repetitive after a while, but on the other hand it does create a very relaxing and almost dream/sleep like atmosphere. As if I was drifting over to sleep... very nice!
I appreciate the review! I'm glad you liked the song. I don't know what it is that causes that timing error, since it works fine in .xm format. Maybe something went wrong when I converted the .wav file to an mp3.
This is a very nice and melancholic piece. What I like best about it is, that it creates a melancholic atmosphere without being overly "dramatic". This just sounds very "honest" to me, if that makes any sense, heh. It's so quiet and if I'm hearing this right, only a piano was used to play this song. This really helps the atmosphere in this case. Strings or other instruments would easily push the song too far in the the "overly dramatic" direction.
You're right, only a piano was used for this. I felt like there was no need to add more instruments as it sounded beautiful the way it was. Glad you enjoyed!
This is a pretty good song. I really like the atmosphere it creates. It's somewhere between relaxing and "adrenaline pumping", heh. The bass is pretty cool, this is what I think creates the adrenaline pumping part of the atmosphere. The higher pitched melody is what creates the relaxing atmosphere. Very nice.
However, this song is so strangely set back, just as if you try not to "hurt" your listeneres. I think this song should be more powerful!
Thank you very much for your review! I am going to be remixing this song pretty soon actually. Maybe in the next mix I can achieve a full mark. I HATE the intro in this track btw.
This is a very nice song. It keeps itself in the background very nicely, so I guess it could be used as some sort of background music in a game or a movie. It is also very pleasent to listen to this song. The atmosphere it creates is very calm, while at the same time the drums add a very driving feel to it from time to time.
This contrast is very nice and it makes this song quite special.
The only thing I can criticise here is that weird "bell sound" that starts at around 1:57 and goes on for about half a minute. It doesn't really fit into the song and it gets annoying after a short while.